Te Ahi Kā shortlisted for Kassel Dummy Award 2018 / by Martin Toft

Making a book is always a collaboration so I like to thank Ania Nałęcka-Milach for help with clever design, Rafal Milach for editing & sequencing and of course my Māori family and friends for being part of telling the story about our ancestral river, the Whanganui. All shortlisted dummies will be exhibited at 11 different photobook festivals starting next month at PhotoIreland Festival in Dublin, travelling to Triennial of Photography Hamburg, then onto Organ Vida – International Photography Festival in Zagreb and finishing at The Tokyo Art Book Fair in Spring 2019. Particularly poignant for me is that my book will also be on display in my hometown of Aarhus in Denmark as part of Photobook Week Aarhus, 04 – 07 October. Thanks to all jury members for selecting Te Ahi Kā - The Fires of Occupation for the Kassel Dummy Award 2018. Fotobookfestival #teahika

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